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The Hammer Cast

Apr 30, 2020

When it comes to your fitness, when in doubt, just f***in' do it!

And when it comes to getting on my email list - where all my grade-A, top-shelf material goes out (NOT on social media) just do that, too!


Apr 28, 2020

Why does the Turkish Get Up rock?  Let me count the ways...

And speaking of Turkish Get Ups, they feature prominently in the most popular of all my programs, the 8-week Kettlebell and Bodyweight Challenge, which you can grab hold of here =>

Apr 27, 2020

I'm joined on today's episode by the always magical Clif "No Need For a Nickname" Harski.  

Clif is one of the guys I learn the most from when it comes to the ever-important topic of exercise variety - namely, how much is needed, how to vary your exercise, and what to do to get strong, lean, powerful, and...