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The Hammer Cast

Oct 17, 2023

Get my 9-Minute Kettlebell & Bodyweight Challenge FREE here:

Today is my "Kettlebell Bar Mitzvah". And on this episode I am going to recount to you, dear listener, the story of how I became an instructor, the lessons I learned, and a whole bunch more. 

Tune in, chill out, and enjoy. 

On that note, if you like training that:

· Gives you more strength than it takes from you
· Improves your stamina and resilience simultaneously
· Powers-up every nook, cranny, crevice, and corner of your Soft Machine

Then you just might like my 9-Minute Kettlebell and Bodyweight Challenge.

As the name indicates, it’s just 9 minutes long, and it’s designed to be done WITH your current workouts – NOT instead of them.

Even cooler:

Many find that it actually amplifies their strength in their favorite kettlebell and bodyweight moves, like presses, squats, pullups, and more.

And best of all, it’s free.

How free?

I’m talkin’ freer than the 4th of July, my friend.

Get thee thine own copy here: