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The Hammer Cast

Jan 30, 2023

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I field a lot of questions from people who like to work out at home/on their own — both beginner and intermediate in their strength endeavors — and probably the single commonest problem I encounter is that of stalled results.

The thing to keep in mind is that your body doesn’t really care about your goals — it only cares about homeostasis (i.e. internal stability). It will only make changes when you thoroughly convince it that these changes are necessary for survival. This is a pretty major oversimplification, but for our purposes it gets the point across.

Your results can stall out for a number of reasons, and rather than just list them all, I want to pose a few questions to you to see where you stand or where perhaps you’ve fallen and need to pick back up.

And naturally, I pose those questions on this podcast. Listen in and enjoy!