Dec 27, 2022
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I'm joined on this brand-new episode of TRANSFORMATION TUESDAY by none other than bona fide Hammer Head Jim Bain - whom I have affectionately dubbed "The Scottish Mad Lad" for his ability to make crazy good gains despite both working a hard labor job AND creeping ever upward toward age 50. Listen in and hear his epic tale of working some of the craziest, toughest jobs around AND doing some hard-as-nails workouts at the same time.
(Side note: We didn't cover this in the episode itself, but Jim mentioned something to me after we finished recording that made me want to let you all know: his grandma's milk man in Edinburgh, Scotland way back in the day was none other than Sean Connery himself! According to her "I'm glad he turned out to be a good actor because he was a rubbish milk man")