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The Hammer Cast

Jul 18, 2019

"Every dead person on Mt. Everest was once a highly motivated person"

There's no denying it: we're a culture obsessed with motivation.  We watch motivational videos, listen to motivational speeches, and get encouraged to motivate others while complimenting our friends for "being so motivating".

The truth is, for as nice as motivation is, it's as fleeting as any other emotion, and is the last thing you should rely on if it's real, lasting change you're interested in.

In this episode, I dig into why motivation is a sucky catalyst for self improvement, and what you SHOULD be focusing on instead.

Also, be sure to sign up for my email list (and get a super sweet 8-week kettlelbell and bodyweight program to boot!).  It's where all my best, most no BS knowledge bombs on strength, calisthenics, kettlebells, and movement go out - NOT on social media. 

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